Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pet Pet

First of all, I would like to tell everyone that I just come back from Hariyama and Sawai Plantation for not long. For this time of 'journey', I've brought back 2 new family member to the house.

And here I'll introduce my new family member to you~~~~~~

First is Milky~~~
She is a girl and I think she's only 3~4 month old~~~
Her birth place is under the quarter building at Hariyama Estate 3~~~
I name her Milky because of her white 'sock' that she wear on her feet. It's so white and cute.... That's why I name here Milky~~~
Second is Milo~~~
She is a girl also and I think Milo is younger that Milky~~~
Her birth place is the same as Milky because they are siblings~~~
The reason I name her Milo because of the 'sock' color that she wear on her feet~~~ Cute, right?!?

After this two new member come into my house, my front part of the house mostly become more smelly than before..... Full of Milo & Milky poo[s] and pee[s].... Cannot tahan ar.....

Lastly, I would like to share a secret recipe for the puppy which I just invented it this afternoon...... Okay, like it down or the recipe gonna fly over and you gonna miss it.....

First, prepare the ingredients such as~~~

Rice [Enough for both Milo & Milky]

1 egg [Satu 'bijik' cukup dah]

Pedigree [2~3 spoons is enough for them]

From what you can see from the ingredients, just mix it all up and stir it evenly. Make sure the food is not over the due date and don't prepare too much for them if they can't finish eat them all. It's will attract lot lot lot lot of flies to the foods.

And tada~~~The dog food done prepared and ready to give to the dogs.

The End!!! ^o^

p/s: The pictures of Milo and Milky was taken from my bro blog because I can't upload the photo from my phone to my desktop...... Pity me.....

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